QRMIAS: Eleventh Meeting

Quantitative Research Methods: Introduction to Applied Statistics

David Sichinava, Rati Shubladze
December 20, 2017

Eleventh Meeting

Today's plans

  • From ideas to regression models
  • Regression diagnostics (recap)

From ideas to regression models

  • Remember that replication is a cornerstone for the quantitative (social) science
  • Acemoglu, D., Johnson, S., Robinson, J. A., & Yared, P. (2008). Income and democracy. American Economic Review, 98(3), 808-42.

From ideas to regression models

  • To slightly paraphrase Acemoglu and colleagues,
    • Why are all OECD countries democracies, whilst most of non-democracies are located in sub-Saharan Africa or Southeast Asia?
  • Influential modernization theory tries to answer this question:
    • Specifically, higher per-capita income causes the country to become a democracy

From ideas to regression models

  • Therefore, our hypothesis would be as follows:
    • Higher GDP should be associated to increased democracy in the countries
  • In this very example, we will use replication data from Acemoglu et al.
    • DV: Freedom House Democracy score by country;
    • IV: Logged GDP per capita by country
    • We look at average figures characterizing countries in the 1990s

From ideas to regression models

Now, let's load the data:

### Download it from this link: https://goo.gl/6vhv55 or ask for the flash drive
figure1 <- read.csv("figure1.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

From ideas to regression models: variables

Variable name Definition
code Country code (like 'GEO' for Georgia)
country Country name (like 'Georgia')
fhpolrigaug Freedom House score of democracy
lrgdpch Logged per capita GDP

From ideas to regression models: hypothesis

  • DV: variable \( fhpolrigaug \)
  • IV: variable \( lrgdpch \)
  • We expect that GDP predicts democracy scores

From ideas to regression models

First, let's visualize relationship

ggplot(figure1, aes(x=lrgdpch, y=fhpolrigaug))+
  geom_text(aes(label=code), size=2)+
  labs(x="Log GDP per Capita (Penn World Tables)",
       y="Freedom House Measure of Democracy",
       title="Figure 1",
       subtitle="Democracy and Income, 1990s")

From ideas to regression models

Looks promising, so let's run the model:

acem <- lm(fhpolrigaug~lrgdpch, data=figure1)




  • R-squared measures how much of the variation in the dataset is explained by our model
  • R-squared changes between 0 and 1:
    • 0 means that the model explains none of the variation in the dataset

Regression Assumptions:

  • Linearity
  • Homoscedasticity
  • Independence
  • Normal distribution

Quickly check the quality of our assumptions:




From ideas to regression models

  • How would you interpret the results?
  • Potentially, what would be better model to assess the effect of economic development on democracy?

From ideas to regression models

  • Well, in theory, change into GDP should predict the change in democracy scores
  • Let's check this assumption!

From ideas to regression models

Now, let's load the data:

### Download it from this link: https://goo.gl/ygPv3j or ask for the flash drive
figure1 <- read.csv("figure2.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

From ideas to regression models: variables

Variable name Definition
code Country code (like 'GEO' for Georgia)
country Country name (like 'Georgia')
democ Change in Democracy
growth Change in Log GDP per Capita, 1500-2000

From ideas to regression models

acem2 <- lm(democ~growth, data=figure2)


From ideas to regression models

  • How would you interpret the results?
  • What would be the problem with this analysis?
    • Forget statistics, just think from the conceptual perspective

From ideas to regression models

  • Incorporation of additional variables into our model almost removes the effect of GDP on democracy
    • Constraint on the executive at independence
    • Year of independence/100
    • catholics % of population
    • muslim % of population
    • protestant % of population

From ideas to regression models (optional)

### data can be loaded from here: https://goo.gl/uWMEuc
figure3 <- read.csv("figure3.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep="\t")

democracy <- lm(democ~consfirstaug+indcent+
growth <- lm(growth~consfirstaug+indcent+
democracy$residuals <- as.numeric(democracy$residuals)
growth$residuals <- as.numeric(growth$residuals)

residuals <- as.data.frame(cbind(democracy$residuals, growth$residuals))

names(residuals) <- c("democracy", "growth")

From ideas to regression models (optional)

ggplot(residuals, aes(x=growth, y=democracy))+
  labs(x="Change in Log GDP per Capita, Independent of Historical Factors",
       y="Change in Democracy Independent of Historical Factors",
       title="Change in Democracy and Change in Income, 1500-2000",
       subtitle="Conditional on Historical Factors")

From ideas to regression models

  • Interesting? Drawing